


主讲人:Li Zhi-Feng, Michael (新加坡南洋理工大学南洋商学院副教授),庄伟芬(厦门大学管理学院副教授),刘彦(中国科学技术大学管理学院副教授)






新加坡南洋理工大学Li Zhi-Feng, Michael教授会议报告:

Airline Seat Allocation under Competition with Dependent Demands





A Reservation Policy for Medical Diagnostic Resource Allocation





Dynamic Nonlinear Pricing of Inventories over Finite Sales Horizons


Airline Seat Allocation under Competition with Dependent Demands

Michael Li Zhi-Feng

Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University

We  examine a seat allocation game between two airlines for flights with  two fares with dependent random demands. The strategic variable of this  game is each airline’s booking limit for the low fare. We have shown  that there exists an equilibrium booking strategy such that both  airlines will protect the same number of seats for the full fare and the  total number of seats available for the discount fare under competition  is smaller than the total number of seats that would be available if  the two airlines collude. A numerical example is used to illustrate the  equilibrium solutions and to examine the impact of the capacity shares  and the level of dependency between random demands. We conclude with  some open questions for further research.

A Reservation Policy for Medical Diagnostic Resource Allocation

Weifen Zhuang

Department of Management Science, School of Management, Xiamen University

Medical  diagnostic facilities such as CT or MRI, which form the critical part  of a comprehensive health care system, play an important role in the  proper diagnosis and timely treatment of diseases. Hospital managers are  under great pressure to manage such facilities efficiently and  effectively. This problem is critical in China, especially in the  general hospitals. In this paper, we study the resource allocation  problem of medical diagnostic facilities accessed by three types of  patients. Both inpatients and outpatients have to make appointments in  advance and emergency patients walk in directly. We formulate a dynamic  programming model of the resource allocation problem and study the  structural properties, based on which we fully characterize the optimal  reservation policy. An upper-bound to the DP value is obtained from a  standard ``hind-sight'' optimal argument, and is shown to be  asymptotically optimal. A lower-bound to the DP is created through three  independent newsvendor problems constrained by the capacity. The gap  between the upper-bound and lower-bound is explicitly quantified. We  then propose and compare three heuristic policies analytically. The  process and data of West China Hospital are used for analysis and  implementation. Numerical studies show that the performance of bounds  works very well and our heuristic policy outperforms the hospital's  baseline policy significantly.

Dynamic Nonlinear Pricing of Inventories over Finite Sales Horizons


Department ofManagement Science, School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China

We  present three dynamic pricing models in a setting where customers can  be incentivized to purchase multiple units. We assume a finite sales  horizon with a sunk investment in limited inventories, where customer  demands form a compound Poisson process that is price dependent. The  dynamic linear pricing (DLP) model charges a uniform price that depends  on the time-to-go and the remaining capacity. The dynamic package  pricing (DPP) model allows complete freedom in pricing different package  sizes. We also study dynamic block pricing (DBP) as an intermediate  scheme where prices are linear within each block. For all models, we  present analysis and structural results and compare their performance,  both theoretically and numerically. We find that the potential revenue  improvement of DPP over DLP ranges from 30% to 90%, depending on the  purchase quantity. Our numerical studies reveal that DBP achieves more  than 97% of the revenues from DPP.

This is a joint work with Guillermo Gallego at HKUST and Michael Z.F. Li at Nanyang Technological University.


Li Zhi-Feng, Michael

李志峰博士目前是南洋理工大学商学院的终身副教授。他在国际杂志上发表了众多学术文章,这些杂志包括Transportation  Science, Transportation Research B, Transportation Research E,  Operations Research Letters, European Journal of Operational Research,  Journal of Theoretical Probability, Canadian Journal of Statistics,  Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, International Journal of  Transport Economics等。他为多个政府机构和国际组织提供专家或智囊服务,其中包括新加坡国会交通委员会(1996)、亚太交通部长论坛(1997)、亚太经济合作理事会交通工作小组(1997-2000)、新加坡公共交通理事会(2004)、新加坡陆路交通管理局(2007,2012)、新加坡民航局(2012)等等。他是航空研究学会(ATRS)、运筹学与管理科学学会(INFORMS)以及作业与运营管理协会(POMS)的成员。


庄伟芬,厦门大学管理学院管理科学系副教授,现代企业与医疗服务运营技术管理研究中心主任,新加坡南洋理工大学商学院运营管理博士、加拿大麦吉尔大学博士后、香港中文大学博士后。主要研究方向包括:定价与收益管理、医疗运作与服务管理、医疗与健康的数据分析与决策,在European  Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Operational Research  Society, Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, Maritime Policy  & Management, Operations Research Letters, Production and Operations  Management等国际顶级和著名学术期刊上发表论文十多篇,主持两项国家自然科学基金,与厦门市中山医院、厦门市卫生局合作的《区域临床路径智能协作平台》获2016年厦门市科技进步二等奖。担任本科生Operations Research和 Pricing and Revenue Management等课程的全英文教学,以及研究生Stochastic Dynamic Programming等方法论课程,获厦门大学英语教学比赛一等奖和多项其他教学奖项,撰写的厦航收益管理教学案例被加拿大毅伟商学院和哈佛商学院案例库同时收录。


Yan  Liu is an associate professor in the department ofManagement Science at  the School of Management in the University of Science and Technology of  China. Dr. Liu earned his Ph.D. from the Nanyany Business School,  Nanyang Technological University in 2014. He also received a Master and  Bachelor degree in Statistics from Beijing Normal University in 2009 and  2006, respectively. His research interests lie in revenue management,  inventory management, behaviour OM and OM-Marketing interface.